Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Team Mashup

My mashup for the project is gesture based learning and transparency (scrutiny). Gesture based learning is a fairly simple concept. It means using your body for do something in an educational way. A simple on is any type of touch screen item. If you use this for an educational purpose your are using gesture based learning. Another more complicated way is using the Microsoft Kinect. This has been used to help deaf children learn different things. There are so many other kinds of gesture based things but the I see much more to come in the future because it is such a new and exiting concept. Transparency or scrutiny is referring more to things being real. Showing everything is not fake or there isn't any fake information or things of that nature. Helps us sift through the things we want to look at and things that we can obviously skip over. The combination of these to I think will be based on the showing of how to use these gesture based learning objects. If they show the realistic ways to use them and how they can be used or if it is all based on unrealistic lies.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter 5 Tapscott's Education

Teachers today could get a lot of use out of Tapscott's ideas of teaching. One thing he says is a major help is for teachers to not lecture students but to interact with them. This is important because it uses one of the norms, collaboration. This is a good trait for teaching because it helps the students learn knowing the teacher is working it with them and are there when they need them. A second concept that goes with collaboration is having student working together as well. Having other students working together helps because they get to have people to learn with. They can see different sides of things and how other students are comprehending things which might allow them to get a broader and better understanding of what they are learning. It is hard to work by yourself because you are only going by what you got out of the lecture. Anything you missed will be lost forever for you. Especially if the teacher doesn't have a collaboration teaching method. Another concept is not having the same education for each student. It is better to have customization especially in learning because people learn differently from student to student. Customization is also another norm in the six norms. The importance of personalizing a students education could be the difference from someone graduating and dropping out. Tapscott has many insights on education but I see these as the two most important for today's education.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Eight Net Gen Norms

The eight net gen norms are freedom, customization, scrutiny, integrity, collaboration, entertainment, speed, and innovation. When they talk about freedom they are referring to do more things than ever. Such as communication with people in other countries with a click of a button or watching that new video that just came out on television within minutes. This gives people the freedom to do what they want when they want to. Customization is pretty much exactly that. The ability to personalize and make things to your needs or wants is huge. Everything electronically can be personalized to us and what we would prefer to have. Making having electronics more appealing because it is nice to have everything exactly how you want it. Scrutiny means to look at things very closely and almost over analyze them to the point where people can differ real from fake. When you scrutinize everything online people are able to be better researchers because they can tell what is reliable information. The integrity means being honest and true to what you are saying. Having truth behind what you put online makes you more reliable to read and a better person. Having integrity also means adhering to the online etiquette because just bashing someone makes you partial and not transparent like you need to be. Collaboration is the coming together for the same cause kind of thing. Like many chat groups, blog groups, and other ways to be in online clubs. Its the act of putting your minds together online and being in touch with people you may or may not personally know for social, work, or educational purposes. Entertainment is one of the most popular ways of internet use. This includes things such as online games, videos, and other sources of entertainment. Its a way of being amused with less effort and at a quicker pace making it very appealing. Speed has become a huge part of the net in recent years especially. The fact of having something you need in seconds at your finger tips makes for a very successful establishment. We are so used to now having the ability to connect online just about every where we go in the world. We now expect to have things in seconds and to keep everything fast paced. Innovation is simply the getting better. As new things come out and get better we want even more. We are always searching for the next best thing to the best right now. The innovations in the net will never slow down as long as someone has a great new idea. The eight net gens give not only future predictions of the net but also the guidelines of the net. Each norm has a specific reason it made the top and each are very important in there own way.